METAbolt is a "text client" and is being built ground up using libopenmetaverse
METAbolt is a Second Life® TPV Directory listed Text Client and is not provided or supported by Linden Lab, the makers of Second Life.
This software is provided by the METAbolt Development Team. METAbolt is not a modified version of the Linden Lab open source viewer source code. METAbolt is a "text client" i.e. it does not have a graphical interface like the Linden Lab viewer and is being built ground up using libopenmetaverse libraries/components.
On November 1st 2021, LL changed their settings about security protocols, I suppose that is for this that Metabolt is not working, now we need some good people to update metabolt with new protocols to make it work again.
Morgan, who can i contact and how/where (?email?)
ERROR opening the login server connection. Could not create SSL/TLS Secure channel... Any ideas what do I do now?
I'm getting the same error. I guess metabolt will no longer work.